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Weaving the future, together.

The production of textiles from materials such as wool, cotton, linen, silk and synthetic fibres requires a consistent temperature and humidity during each process as these parameters will affect the quality and productivity of the textiles being produced. In general, all textiles are hygroscopic, meaning that they tend to absorb moisture from the air and vice versa. Correct RH (Relative Humidity) and temperature is required to ensure that the properties of the textiles such as tensile strength, elasticity, fiber diameter and friction are maintained. Kirloskar Chillers Turbotek® Centrifugal Chillers are the preferred choice of the textile industry, both in India as well as several large textile companies in Indonesia.

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Healing is the first step towards building a future foll of possibilities.

Rolling ahead into the future.

Being the catalyst and the change.

Building potential, one brick at a time.

Unbridled potential is built on preservation.

Developing the future.

We help unleash the power of the atom.

Space: the perfect metaphor for human potential.

Fueling the race to the future.

Flying from the past to the future, via the present.

To keep up, we need to keep cool.

Healing is another form of progress.


At the end of the information highway is the realization of potential.

Education is the foundation upon which potential built.

It takes industry to forge ahead.