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Chillers - Industries Edible Oil Plants Header Body Content

Helping manufacture healthy trends.

Growing preference for healthy cooking oils, growth in population, rise in urbanization and a shift in consumption base towards branded oil has resulted in a boom in edible oil production in recent times. Edible Oils include Palm Oil, Soyabean Oil, Mustard Oil, Sunflower Oil, Safflower Oil, Groundnut Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Rice Bran Oil, Refined Vegetable Oil, Olive Oil and Sesame Seed Oil. The production and refining of edible oils includes several processes with different cooling needs. Kirloskar Chillers is a preferred chiller supplier in this segment, with large installations of Prodigy® Water Cooled Screw Chillers operating at most of the large edible oil manufacturers’ plants in the country.

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Healing is the first step towards building a future foll of possibilities.

Rolling ahead into the future.

Being the catalyst and the change.

Building potential, one brick at a time.

Unbridled potential is built on preservation.

Weaving the future, together.

Developing the future.

We help unleash the power of the atom.

Space: the perfect metaphor for human potential.

Fueling the race to the future.

Flying from the past to the future, via the present.

To keep up, we need to keep cool.

Healing is another form of progress.


At the end of the information highway is the realization of potential.

Education is the foundation upon which potential built.

It takes industry to forge ahead.