Chillers - Industries Infrastructure Banner Content

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Developing the future.

The nation’s development, both economic and social, is closely linked with the development of its infrastructure. From making power and water available to every remote village to connecting the country with its network of highways, and from building stadia for the promotion of sports activities to keeping passengers comfortable as they fly across the sub-continent, Kirloskar Chillers contributes in a large way by providing chillers for all these infrastructure projects. Kirloskar Prodigy® Screw Chillers are present in scores of Thermal power plants and Hydro power plants, as well as providing chilled water for concrete cooling to various dams and highway projects. Its Turbotek® Centrifugal Chillers are used to air-condition airports, metro stations and sports facilities across the country.

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Healing is the first step towards building a future foll of possibilities.

Rolling ahead into the future.

Being the catalyst and the change.

Building potential, one brick at a time.

Unbridled potential is built on preservation.

Weaving the future, together.

We help unleash the power of the atom.

Space: the perfect metaphor for human potential.

Fueling the race to the future.

Flying from the past to the future, via the present.

To keep up, we need to keep cool.

Healing is another form of progress.


At the end of the information highway is the realization of potential.

Education is the foundation upon which potential built.

It takes industry to forge ahead.