Chillers - Our Offerings Centrifugal Banner Content

Chillers - Our Offerings Centrifugal Divided Header Body Content

Cutting edge technology in the service of performance.

Our TURBOLEV® series of chillers uses and adapts the principle of magnetic levitation to suit the chiller application. Magnetic levitation, already a proven technology in aerospace, oil and gas exploration and transportation applications, is combined with variable speed centrifugal compression and supported by digital electronics to run the compressor without any contact between the rotating dynamic and static parts, allowing the compressor to operate in a frictionless environment so as to achieve the highest possible efficiencies. Centrifugal compression offers substantially higher isentropic efficiency compared with other compressor designs. Used most effectively in a centrifugal compressor, a variable-speed drive further enhances part-load efficiency. The combination of this technology with magnetic levitation results in a machine with an unparalleled bouquet of benefits including extremely quiet operation, very high efficiency and no need for lubrication.

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